Submission fee: No submission fee
Reviewing system
All articles undergo double-blind peer review by at least 2 related reviewers. The correction of references is approved by the journal bibliographer. The Editor-in-Chief makes the final decision.
Publication ethic
The academic issues related to gerontology and geriatric medicine are managed independently by the editor-in-chief and editorial board of the journal. They aim to publish original research, clinical, and review articles that promote the learning and development of the multidisciplinary field for older persons worldwide. The merit of their work is based on justice, beneficence, and autonomy.
To ensure impartiality, the reviewers of this journal have no conflict of interest with the articles or academic issues they review. Authors must declare ethical approval from their relevant review board or organization for human or animal subjects. Additionally, all materials such as pictures, tables, and diagrams must be original to the authors.
Instruction for Authors
Categories of the Articles
- Review Article: an article with technical knowledge collected from journals or textbooks and is profoundly analyzed and criticized.
- Case Report or Case Study: a report of an update case or case series or case study in community related to gerontology which has been carefully analyzed and criticized with scientific observation.
- Original Article: a research report which has never been published elsewhere and represent new and significant contributions to gerontology.
- Letter to the Editor: a brief question or comment that is useful for readers.
- Short Communication: a brief article on current important issue which is needed rapid communication. The issue will be announced occasionally by the Journal of Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine.
Manuscript Submission
Kindly note that The Journal of Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine exclusively accepts online submissions. To submit your manuscript, please register on the website and submit your manuscript via the available platform. The corresponding author must register before submitting the manuscript. We accept articles written in both English and Thai languages. However, for Thai article, an English abstract is compulsory, while for English article, there is no need to submit a Thai abstract.
Please submit the main content of the manuscript in either .doc or .docx format. The manuscript template is readily available on the journal website. Kindly insert all figures and tables following the main text manuscript, with one page for each figure or table as shown in the manuscript template. The figures and diagrams must be original. Please also provide the figures and diagrams in .tif, .bmp, and .jpeg, with a resolution of at least 300 dpi available for request from the journal. These may be required during the proofing process.
Manuscript Preparation
- For English article, use font of Cordia New Style size 14 in a standard A4 paper (21.2 x 29.7 cm) with 2.5 cm margin on all four sides. The manuscript should be typewritten with double-spacing.
- For Thai article, use font of Cordia New Style size 14 in a standard A4 paper (21.2 x 29.7 cm) with 2.5 cm margin on all four sides. The manuscript should be typewritten with 1.5 line spacing. Thai article must provide English abstract, tables and legends.
- The number of pages must be in the top right corner. The length of the article should not exceed 10 pages of the journal (approximately 24-28 pages A4, not including figures and tables)
- Measurement units such as length, height, weight, capacity etc. should be in metric units. Temperature should be in degree Celsius. Pressure units should be in mmHg. The hematologic measurement and clinical chemistry should follow International System Units or SI.
- Standard abbreviation must be used for abbreviation and symbols. The abbreviation should not be used in the title and abstract. Full words of the abbreviation should be referred at the end of the first abbreviation in the content except the standard measurement units.
- Every illustration including tables must be referred in the contents. The alphabets in the illustrations and tables must be in English. Numbers are used in Arabic form and limited as necessary.
Preparation of the Articles
Front page
The checklists of submission must be completed and attached
Title Page
The first page of the article should contain the following information
- Category of the manuscript
- Article title
- Authors' names and affiliated institutions
- Author's details (name, mailing address, E-mail, telephone and FAX number)
- Corresponding author
The abstract must be typed in only one paragraph. Only English abstract is required for English article. Both English and Thai abstracts are required for Thai article and put in separate pages. The abstract is written in structured patterns composed of background and aims, materials or subjects and methods, results and conclusion. Do not refer any documents, illustrations or tables in the abstract. The abstract must not exceed 300 words.
The text of the original articles should be organized in sections as follows
- Introduction: indicating reason or importance of the research or study or review, objective, scope of the study. Introduction should review new documents in order to show the correlation of the contents in the article and original knowledge. It must also clearly indicate the hypothesis.
- Materials and Methods: comprising details of materials and methods used in the study for readers to be able to repeat such as chemical product names, types of experimental animals, details of patients including sources, sex, age etc. It must also indicate name, type, specification, and other information of materials for each method. For a research report performed in human subjects, authors should indicate that the study was performed according to the ethical Principles for Medical Research and Experiment involving human subjects such as Declaration of Helsinki 2000 or has been approved by the ethical committees of the local institute which the research was conducted.
- Results: presenting the discovery of experiments or researches or clinical outcome. It should be categorized and related to the objectives of the articles. The results can be presented in various forms such as words, tables, graphs or illustrations etc. Avoid repeating the results both in tables and in paragraph. Emphasize only important issues.
- Discussion: explaining the synthesized results comparing with the others published work. The advantages and disadvantages of the materials and methods can be mentioned. The discovery and/or important issues needs to be emphasized. New suggestion, problems and threats from the experiment or study can be stated only in case they are based on the results and scopes of the experiment and study.
- Conclusion: stating the brief results and the conclusions of the analysis.
- Acknowledgement: mentioning the institutes or persons helping the authors, especially on capital sources of researches and numbers of research funds (if any).
- References: including every concerned document that the authors referred in the articles in modified Vancouver style.
Writing the References
The references of both Thai and English articles must be written based on the original language of the articles. The reference system for the Journal of Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine is the modified Vancouver system, using Arabic numbers, making order according to the texts chronologically. All texts are in normal font, no bold and no italics.
Sample of references from articles in Journals
- Mauri MC, Paletta S, Maffini M, Colasanti A, Dragogna F, Di Pace C, et al. Clinical pharmacology of atypical antipsychotics: an update. EXCLI J 2014;13:1163–91.
- Kongmalai P, Karunasumetta C, Kuptarnond C, Prathanee S, Taksinachanekij S, Intanoo W, et al. The posterior pericardiotomy. Does it reduce the incidence of postoperative atrial fibrillation after coronary artery bypass grafting? J Med Assoc Thai 2014;97 (Suppl 10):S97-104.
- สมศักดิ์ เทียมเก่า. การพัฒนาเครือข่ายโรคหลอดเลือดสมองภาคอีสาน. ว. สมาคมโรคหลอดเลือดสมองไทย 2558;14:3–13.
Sample of references from books and other monographs
Authors being writers
- Carroll QB. Radiography in the digital age: physics, exposure, radiation biology. 2nd ed.
Springfield (IL): Charles C. Thomas; 2014.
- สมเกียรติ วัฒนศิริชัยกุล, ดลฤดี สองทิศ. ตำราวิจัยวิทยาศาสตร์การแพทย์และสาธารณสุข.
กรุงเทพฯ: สำนักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแห่งชาติ; 2556.
Authors being both writer and editor
- Hamric AB, Hanson CM, Tracy MF, O’Grady ET, editors. Advanced practice nursing: an integrative approach. 5th ed. St. Louis (MO): Elsevier/Saunders; 2014.
- กนิษฐา ไทยกล้า, จิตรลดา อารีย์สันติชัย, ดาริกา ไสงาม, มานพ คณะโต, รัตนา จารุเบญจ, รุ่งนภา คําผาง, และคณะ, บรรณาธิการ. สังเคราะห์สถานการณ์สารเสพติด พ.ศ. 2545-2555. กรุงเทพฯ: สำนักงานคณะกรรมการป้องกันและปราบปรามยาเสพติด; 2556.
Books with authors for each separate chapter and also have editor
- Aldridge J, Sourkes BM. The psychological impact of life-limiting conditions on the child. In: Goldman A, Hain R, Liben S, editors. Oxford textbook of palliative care for children. 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2012. p. 78–89.
- วิชัย เส้นทอง. Chest pain. ใน: กาญจนา จันทร์สูง, ประณิธิ หงสประภาส, บรรณาธิการ. อาการวิทยาทางอายุรศาสตร์. ขอนแก่น: ภาควิชาอายุรศาสตร์ คณะแพทยศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น; 2558. หน้า 165–70.
Institutional authors
- World Health Organization. The ASSIST project-alcohol, smoking and substance involvement screening test. Geneva : WHO; 2013.
- สำนักงานสถิติแห่งชาติ. รายงานการสำรวจประชากรสูงอายุในประเทศไทย พ.ศ. 2557. กรุงเทพฯ: สำนัก; 2557.
Sample of references from academic conferences
Conference proceedings
- Proceeding the 4th International LDRG-KKU and Saraburi Hospital Symposium 2014 on “Lasers in Dentistry: Research transferring to practice”: 31 July - 1 August 2014, The Greenery Resort Khao Yai, Thailand. Khon Kaen: Khon Kaen University; 2014.
Conference paper
- Chimtim P, Heebthamai T, Phanombualert J. Microleakage of self-etch adhesive system in Class V cavities etched by Er:YAG laser with different pulse modes. In: Proceeding the 4th International LDRG-KKU and Saraburi Hospital Symposium 2014 on “Lasers in Dentistry: Research transferring to practice”: 31 July - 1 August 2014; The Greenery Resort Khao Yai, Thailand. Khon Kaen: Khon Kaen University; 2014. p. 21–6.
- อรุณี เจตศรีสุภาพ. ธาลัสซีเมีย: อดีต ปัจจุบันและอนาคต. ใน: พจน์ ศรีบุญลือ, บรรณาธิการ. การประชุมวิชาการประจำปี คณะแพทยศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น ครั้งที่ 28 ประจำปี 2555: 40th Anniversary of MD@KKU moving forwards the to 50th of Asia: วันที่ 10-12 ตุลาคม 2555; ขอนแก่น. ขอนแก่น: ฝ่ายวิชาการ คณะแพทยศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น; 2555. หน้า 3–13.
Samples of reference from thesis
- Sattayut, S. A study of the influence of low intensity laser therapy on painful temporomandibular disorders. [Ph.D. Dissertation in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery]. London : The Royal London School of Medicine and Dentistry University of London; 1998.
- วนาพร เอี่ยมมะ. การพัฒนาแนวปฏิบัติการพยาบาลในการป้องกันภาวะสับสนเฉียบพลันในผู้สูงอายุที่เข้ารับการรักษาในหอผู้ป่วยกึ่งวิกฤตอายุรกรรมโรงพยาบาลศรีนครินทร์. [การศึกษาอิสระปริญญาพยาบาลศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต สาขาวิชาการพยาบาลผู้สูงอายุ]. ขอนแก่น: คณะพยาบาลศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น; 2558.
Samples of reference in electronic format
Article on website only (with doi)
- Phababpha S, Kukongviriyapan U, Pakdeechote P, Senggunprai L, Kukongviriyapan V, Settasatian C, et al. Association of arterial stiffness with single nucleotide polymorphism rs1333049 and metabolic risk factors. Cardiovasc Diabetol 2013;12:93. doi: 10.1186/1475-2840-12-93
Online only article (without doi)
- National Health and Medical Research Council. How NHMRC develops its guidelines [Online]. 2009 [cited 2016 Dec 20]: Available from:
- Phababpha S, Kukongviriyapan U, Pakdeechote P, Senggunprai L, Kukongviriyapan V, Settasatian C, et al. Association of arterial stiffness with single nucleotide polymorphism rs1333049 and metabolic risk factors.
- Cardiovasc Diabetol [serial online] 2013 Jun 21 [cited 2016 Dec 20];12: [8 screens]. Available from:
- วิทยาลัยประชากรศาสตร์ จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย. ผู้สูงอายุ: ทิศทางการดูแลระยะยาวผู้สูงอายุในประเทศไทย [ออนไลน์] 9 กันยายน 2556 [อ้างเมื่อ 20 ธันวาคม 2559]. จาก
Paper pesented
- Chowchuen B, Thanaviratananich S, Chichareon KA, Auvichipotchana C, Godfrey K. Multi-center study of oral clefts and associated abnormalities in Thailand: the epidemiologic data and need of health care service. Paper pesented at 10th International Congress on Cleft Palate and Related Craniofacial Anomalies; 2005 September 4-8; Durban, South Africa.
Preparation of the Review articles and Case reports
Review articles and case reports should follow the same format with separate pages for Abstract, Introduction, Contents or Case report, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement and References.
The Editorial and Peer Review Process
The submitted manuscript will be reviewed by at Least 2 qualified experts in the respective fields. In general, this process takes around 4 - 8 weeks before the author be notified a consideration for minor correction or major correction or accept for publication with correction or reject for publication. However, the editor-in-chief and editorial board have all right to consider the final decision for publication.
The author should realize the importance of correct format manuscript, which would affect the duration of the review process and the acceptance of the articles. The Editorial office will not accept a submission if the author has not supplied all parts of the manuscript as outlined in this document.
Upon acceptance, copyright of the manuscript must be fully transferred to The Journal of Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine.